We're moving! (And other big news)

Hello Flowfold Family!
The Holiday season is fast approaching. Before we all get caught up planning winter adventures and finding the perfect gifts for our loved ones, we wanted to take a moment to do some reflecting. Here in Maine, the air is getting brisker, the leaves are turning orange and brown, and we are all waiting patiently for snow. (we ❤️snow)
This time of year we reflect on what we are grateful for and appreciate the people who make our lives wild and wonderful. At Flowfold, we’ve been especially nostalgic as we look back at how far we’ve come and remember the journeys, the good times and the tough, that have brought us this far.
As many of you know, we are gearing up for a big next step. We’ve always been a small company with big values and bigger aspirations, proud to represent Maine and its people. We’re proud to represent YOU! Our dedication to making the best products has been reciprocated tenfold through your support. And you’re not the only ones showing excitement about our growth; check out the links below!
Well, with all this noise, support, and momentum, we’ve decided to amp it up.
On the first of December we’re grabbing our team, our production, and our dogs, and moving to a large, beautiful new space in Gorham, ME. We’re working hard to make our new headquarters the perfect place for us to continue growing. It’s an extension of everything Flowfold believes and stands for, modest and simple on the outside, bustling with creativity, collaboration, and innovation on the inside.
As you can see, there's still some work to be done. We hope you come visit when we're all finished!
But that’s not all, we’re growing in other ways as well. Three new creators have joined the Flowfold family. They’re as passionate as we are, dedicated to bringing sustainability, accessibility, and simplicity to the outdoors through our minimalist gear. They love Maine, its people, and places, and we’re so excited to have them on board.
Say hi to Elizabeth, Marlena, and Kat 👋
Hmm, what else? New products, new collabs, and much more to come. We can’t give it all away now!
We’re excited about our future and even more excited that you’re a part of it. Our community of followers, ambassadors, and loyal supporters are what drives us to improve and be the best we can be.
This Holiday season we’re thankful for you all, and thankful that we get to wake up and do what we love. Every time we think about it, we get the warm and fuzzies 😊 So stay golden, keep doing you, and remember to appreciate all the things that make our lives and community so wonderful.
Charley, Devin, James, and the rest of the Flowfold team
- Tags: Updates